@Juan Mendoza Congrats on getting started in your real estate journey and welcome to BP! I love this site because there is so much that you can learn from if you are willing to push through and apply yourself!
In regards to your current deal, I would be hesitant because even though you will be able to afford the mortgage payment and it looks like you have a renter already in place, there is still a lot more that would need to be figured in.
1) Taxes ( Not sure in your area, but you could find out very easily or this may already be included in your payment)
2) Cap Expenditure (Figure at least $100/mo)
3) Repairs (Figure at least $100/mo)
4) Property management (8-10% of current rental rate roughly $150) - I know you may manage it yourself but if you ever decide not to, you want to take that into consideration so you can plan for that.
5) Vacancy Rate (5-10% of current rental rate $75-$150) - even though you have a renter you have to plan for the worst case scenario if something happened to him and you were unable to find someone to rent to.
So if you add the above that is an additional $425-$500 not including your monthly taxes. So if your payment is $1,100 and you add the above numbers to that, your cost to properly maintain your asset you and your wife worked so hard to acquire, it will put you in a negative cashflow.
Most investors look for at least $100-$300 cash flow after figuring all the above.
I would encourage you to check out Bigger Pockets Rental Calculator and do a little more searching before you jump in to the above deal!
Don't get discouraged and keep on looking at deals! You will get there!