Most Profitable Note Deal - bought note secured by restaurant/bar facility with unpaid balance of $575,000 for $312,500, collected 20 months interest at 9.5%, and then received fulll payoff of $575,000
Most Profitable Real Property Deal - purchased auto repair facility with environmental issue from bankruptcy court for $115,000; resolved environmental issue for less than $2,500 and sold property eight months later for $297,000
Worst Note Deal - originated loan of $650,000 secured by RV/STR property in oil shale country with appraisal of $2,000,000. After oil prices crash, shale operation shut down, borrower defaults and we foreclose. Eventually sold the property for $450,000 net.
Worst Real Property Deal - purchased old car dealership facility at foreclosure auction for $275,000. After two years of not being able to secure any tenant(s), Sold the property for $250,000. Lost $25,000 on resale, spent $52,000 on property taxes, $9,000 on insurance, $2,500 on security, $18,000 maintenance and repairs, and $7500 brokerage commission, for total loss of S114,000.