OK. Let's walk you through this and let others chime in. I am going to address one thing at a time and we can make this thread a conversation for all.
1. You need to watch what happens to the homes that are for sale and run down. When it is bought, you watch what happens. Is it being fixed or did a family move in? The ones being fixed, you stop and talk to their workers and to the buyer - sometimes one and the same, sometimes not. When you do see the owner/buyer - you let him know you are watching the neighborhood for more deals and see if he is interested in another one.
2. When walking around, watch for out of towers or former owners that are standing around with or without realtors, out in front, discussing the property. Start up a conversation. Maybe they are selling it or renting it or whatever, but let them know you know the area and if you hear of a renter you will let them know, if they are selling let them know you know some buyers that buy with cash in the area.
3. Find a home that needs fixing, monitor what happens to it.
4. Are there any homes that have been renovated and are for sale? Look up the ones with for sale signs on Realtor websites and see if they say "fully renovated" etc. Now you know to watch that property, see if the owner stops by to check up on things, talk to him. Watch to see what it sells for.
This is all about learning your neighborhood. It is also about networking. I have bought some of my best inside track deals from guys who are local and do all of the above.
So let me know how about the above and then we can talk about what to do next.