@Tanya S., great info. The time commitment is definitely something I'm mindful of. As far as my goals, Im not looking to transition into f/t sales; I plan to maintain my full-time job, while buying and selling my own property as well as generating supplemental income from sales as an agent. I'm also looking to get a deeper knowledge of the local area and what buyers want as an agent.
You were in a great place as an investor when you started. Im not yet quite as established as an investor so the type of support Im looking for is mainly related to setting up a marketing website, getting ramped up with MLS, getting comfortable with the contract process and finding, etc. I planned to hustle on my own via my network, etc. for leads. Your comments really helped me think through some things. Im hoping to make a decision this week. I will definitely look into the classes as you suggested.
Any tips for time management since you have been balancing your investor, agent, and full time job roles for a while? I really need to spend time getting a system down now...considering a VA, but just need to identify what I could allocate.