You made some great suggestions as to what you should/could do with that capital. Rule number one, never disclose in an open forum how much.
The comment you made about buying a house and then leveraging it would be something I would avoid if you can with excess capital. You can purchase multiple cash flowing assets to help fund or purchase and pay for your own home one day if you are patient to utilize that capital to work for you now.
All the options you suggest, you will hear different viewpoints on which way to sway towards. The only person that can truly answer that is you at the end of the day. Everything else is opinions that worked for many others.
One thing you can try to do is sample all of them budget them all equally and see which option works for you and your lifestyle. If something sticks, keep perfecting it and save your primary residence for last once you get a good grasp on this and let your investments pay for it.
Happy investing!