Sorry for a delayed response Ohad.
1. A. Please share your numbers. I'd choke if someone told me there was a 1 or 2 bed condo deal in Warrensville heights spitting out 400 a month in cashflow @40k invested!! Sounds too good to be true.
1. I'm not aware of many investors working in Warrenville heights, maybe because I am inexperienced and unaware of them, maybe because they are not there. I am guessing in realty it's a mix of both. If you plan to ever get out and sell to an investor this may be difficult. The entire hot Cleveland investor market is on the west side right now (side note; this is specifically why I'm not interested in the west side right now, too much competition, inflated prices, and I'm familiar street by street with many east side suburbs, I'd suggest focusing east or west side and getting to know one or the other to start, they're night/day different). This means selling is purely to the retail buyer market, that may prove difficult in Warrensville heights a less desirable city to many next door; beachwood, solon, and orange village. All are very solid A+ neighborhoods and will be for the next 10-20 years at least. There are parts of Solon that are B+/A- but that doesn't make them any less attractive to an investor or renter.
In other words I would be very careful in buying a condo in an essentially C+/C area surrounded by many B+ and better areas directly adjacent.
2. See my argument to question 1.
3. See my argument to question 1.
Let me know if I can help further.