Hello everyone,
I’m a total newb when it comes to real-estate industry, but I soon hope to change that. I’m considering changing profession, I’m sure the pay won’t be as great as my job now, but I’m sick of sitting in an office all day. I currently work as an electrical engineer and I hate it. I spend endless hours stuck in an office never interacting with people or seeing daylight.
So I’m trying to make a transition, I’m looking for any advice you fellow can provide.
Such as:
How far can you excel in the real-estate industry?
How many levels of certifications must you get to start selling Commercial Real-estate?
On a bad year, are you able to make ends meet at the end of the year? *Note, I live in Florida.
Does the transition sound ridiculous leavening my current job that pays 70K a year with full benefits?
Is it possible to work part-time on the weekends if I tell my boss, I’m sick of working those 80 hour work weeks, so I will need the weekend off?
Okay, I could go on for days, I’ll just wait for any type of response.
Thanks everyone.