Hey Gents,
Well, I have a meeting scheduled next week with my commercial real-estate agent who is a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM).
At this point I’m unsure how to approach this gentlemen, he’s obviously going to know I’m a complete novice once our discussion begins, but I don’t want to leave that door open for him to take advantage of my lack of real-estate knowledge.
I know what monthly payments I can handle comfortably if a tenant moves out. I'm a little unsure of how much ROI I should look for? (Monthly Payment = $1500.00 with a 20-30K down payment, up to 70K if needed.)
1.) What type of ROI do you typically look for. (Obviously this going to vary per project)
2.) How do you research growth in population, jobs, and economy? (Web-sites? Should my agent have access to this information?)
3.) Could you provide a few exit strategies that you’ve used in the past?
4.) Can someone recommend good literature on commercial real-estate investing?