Now that we are halfway through the year, I thought it would be a good idea to give a market update and see what the indicators are saying.
Year to date sale prices are up 30%. At the same time sale transactions are down 16%. Overall that means our prices are going up at a higher rate than the national average, and we are still having more transactions than the national average. Inventory is up, but that just means we now have a 1 month supply of inventory as opposed to a few weeks of inventory. With the increase in interest rates, we are seeing some of the lower priced properties sit on the market a little longer. An interesting item to watch is AFFORDABILITY. Today's affordability is down 22% from last year and puts us at 46 on the affordability index.
Overall prices are continuing to go up, but not as fast. If you look at comparing June 2021 to June 2022 the price increase comparing the 2 months specifically the increase of price is lower than the year to date increase. This could be an indication that we are getting closer to the peak prices in the market. Demand for properties is still strong and days on market are still very low.
Short term rental rates are up 20% this year from last year. The demand still seems very strong for this. Most investors we are working with are continuing to see high rental rates and low vacancy numbers. Local retailers and restaurants are seeing their numbers to be a little lower than the last 2 years. It is going to be interesting to watch this, and to see what that means long term. A few factors that may be playing into this are as follows:
1. Rising inflation and costs are causing people who come here on vacation to spend less money on food and other items and decide to cook more meals in their unit for the week.
2. Less COVID restrictions worldwide are causing people to travel to other places instead of coming to Hilton Head.
3. Over the past 2 years more people have purchased homes here as their primary residence and there are not as many STR rentals available. This creates more strain on the STR market, but means less people are coming to spend money on food and gifts.
Long Term Rentals are very strong. Rental rates are hitting $2/sq foot or higher depending on the area. There is a huge shortage of affordable rentals or any rentals at all. We are starting to see some STR's convert to LTR's because the numbers are very good.
All in all the Hilton Head market continues to be solid. All of the fundamentals are still very good. Seeing what the STR numbers are at the end of the season will be interesting compared with what the retailers and food vendors are seeing. Having solid retail and food is very important to the tourist market. These are things that have made Hilton Head a top tourist location in the country. Even though numbers are a little down, their numbers continue to be very good and on par with pre pandemic numbers. This is good news for STR owners.