Thanks Mark for your reply :
Here the points
1)I have commissioned attorney to open probate,
2)I have a sales contract
3)another point the purchase agreement provides that the date of sale of the heir's property will take place at the time of the closing of the probate and that all debt and lawyer expenses will be deducted from the purchase agreement
4)I know he is the sole heir through the lawyer
5)the title is clean it has no other creditors (banks or etc) only HOA
6)Florida state palm beach county
my question is :
if I lend the money to whoever inherited the house (but who is not currently the owner yet, because there is a probate process in progress and he has no other houses or assets) to close the debt with association, (paying directly association) how can I make sure that in the event of a change of mind on the part of the inheriting , I am protected and I do not lose the money lent to close the association debt ?Should I register in probate as a creditor?