@Kellen Driscoll - Homes are rented for $650 and lot rent at the park across the street is $600. Lot rent as in the tenant owns their trailer and pays to rent the dirt. Is that correct? What else is included in the lot rent?
Most newer MHP investors aren’t fans of POHs but the truth is the Southeast is full of parks that have some component of POHs. You won’t be doing many deals if all you plan to purchase is lot rental parks. Also the returns will be considerably lower. It’s way easier to manage and less room for improvement unless they haven’t raised rents to market, which does happen from time to time. POH parks usually have the most upside if they are mismanaged.
So, if you sell off all the homes for a reasonable price ($5,000) and peg lot rent at $500, then you could buy down your basis a bit and reduce operating expenses considerably. With 29 homes sold at $5,000 and $500 lot rent, you should be between a 14-15 cap. I’d say that is a win. This is assuming you are in a decent location, not the middle of nowhere.
Yes, it will be hard work but I would definitely consider if you have the capacity to make this work. FL is a little funky as well because parks have a prospectus that you have to abide by. Read carefully as they can deter you from certain actions.