Sounds like they would be great motivated sellers to pick up deals from....
Landlording, regardless of what people say, is not for the part time mom, or the guy who wants to make a fortune overnight. This is an actual business with professionals who handle various aspects that often time people think they are capable of doing with little education or experience. It's also not a business for people with little to no capital.
Maintenance and watching your expenses are a part of the game.
Successful landlords have systems in place to deal with problems that come up and they SCREEN tough as your tenant is essentially your business partner.
Another thing, you make your money when you buy correctly... applies even to landlording... certain areas and price points will attract certain tenant quality. I don't know if he took the proper precautions and tested the pressure on the water pipes before he purchased nor do we know if he just let this bill just pile up after watching a significant jump. When problems happen you need to problem solve and negotiate.