You hit the nail on the head! Once the youth turns 18, well 21 here in Baltimore, that's it! Door shuts and there is no looking back. I've worked in foster care for the past 11 years and for the past two years I have worked to implement a system within the complex foster care system in Baltimore to decrease the number of youth aging out of foster care homeless. I have had some successes but I believe I could've had many more if politics didn't play such a huge role. But hey, when you are working for the government at any level that's nearly impossible. My frustration with the system led me to investing and to bigger pockets. I have about 4 days left before I fully resign at my current position helping foster youth and my goal is impact from a different angle where less politics if any are involved. House Hustlers LLC, will be a movement and these youths stories will be heard!
I told you before @Troy Sheets, we need more people in the world like you and the owners of that coffee shop. These kids didn't choose to be a part of a system that would inevitably fail them. It's so unfortunate and if you had the inside view that I have had for the past 11 years you'd really really understand my frustration! Again, thank you! This home probably looks better than any home they ended up in in foster care.