Brandon, my main reason for leaving at this time is the lack of compensation for hard work in the nursing profession, especially after covid. You can be the best nurse in your department, with the most education, most experience, orient new hires, be in charge, have management experience and get paid the same as the lowest performing RN in the department-sometimes less. This is not just at one facility. I have worked at many and that has been the case at each.
Add travel nurses into the picture during covid and they began to make 4x what I make for less work. These nurses are also asking me to start all of their IVs, and hardly know what tubes to put bloodwork in. Long term wealth is very hard to build with 2% raises every year when inflation is 8%. Every once in a while, you will get at 4% raise but it's not common and still not enough. There is little to no incentive to work hard and be good at your job and not hop from facility to facility.
With Real Estate, I have the opportunity to be compensated for how hard I work and how good I am at my job. I have been passionate for years about the power of real estate and am very excited to get started.
I have many more reasons but this is the main one.
@Brandon Vukelich