Originally posted by @Don Konipol:
10 properties in 10 years is a very modest goal. Especially with no other criteria such as profitability, cash flow, discount from market value, etc. If this is the only goal it must be very basic education. Like the kind you get from reading a basic introduction to real estate text book.
Hi Don. Thanks for responding. To me, 10 houses in 10 years is mind blowing. But then how cheap housing in the US is also mind blowing to me. This is one aim, another is to be earning $100K p.a. in passive income by the end of that period. The strategy takes our ability to negative gear into account but also balances with positive cashflow. Since I'm working full time, negative gearing and reducing my tax burden makes sense. I already do this with my home in Melbourne to a degree.
Frankly, I'm stuck on where to start, how to start, how to find the right people to be on my team, what I can do with the equity and cashflow that I currently have, and how not to hamstring myself from being able to build the next deal. These guys promise they can help with that. I find the offering appealing, particularly since their model is investing in Australia. But since I know of no one who has used them (and I don't really know anyone personally who is successfully investing here) I'm a bit hesitant. I'm naturally cautious by nature but I don't want to be impulsive in this because I do find it appealing and regret it later.
Cheers, Helen