I know I am jumping in the game a few days late, but I have some thoughts...
For the record, we have 24 residential rentals units, 1 office building in 14 buildings.
This mostly describes our philosophy. We are two brothers and our two wives (4 equals). We did a Godsend of a flip to get us going and now subscribe (mostly) to buy and hold. We take nothing out of the company, well.... kinda.
On 'larger repairs', meaning bigger than installing a towel bar or receptacle plate, we determine what it would cost to hire the cheapest outside and pay one of us 80% of that. IE - if the best price we can find to paint a 2 bed apt unit is $1,000, we will do it ourselves for $800.
I couldn't agree with MikeOH more. Sub out maintentnace and contractor work, do Landlording (management) yourself. There are tons of handymen and good contractors out there (if may take you some time to sort through them to weed out the good ones), but only you are motivated to get rid of bad tenants, get in good ones fast, fix utilities fast for which you are paying (ie drippy faucets when you are paying water), etc.