Guess I will stir the pot, or your minds up a bit.
They are not working for you at all. Neither side works for you AT ALL.
You do not pay them. Your tax dollars are NOT paying their salaries. They might as well be paid actors (not saying they are, but just sayin). If you want to know who REALLY pays them to do what they do, then follow the money back to its source.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks], will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
- Thomas Jefferson
"If the American people knew tonight, exactly how the monetary and banking system worked, there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
- Abraham Lincoln
You will not find a solution to this problem in the near future. Any major movement against this problem ALWAYS gets infiltrated by one of the two parties. Example: there were many Libertarians in the original Tea Parties that were speaking these truths. They have been drowned out by Republicans who will now control that movement.
Here in my area the Libertarian candidate for Gov was not allowed to participate in a televised debate. He will not be welcomed by major media outlets. So the public here will go in and pick their "side" and we will go along as usual.
So you are at the mercy of their agenda. Those who voted for Obama to end the war, end NAFTA, or one of the other millions of lies and half truths he told should KNOW this by now. You are not going to get a politician, or a group of politicians on either side to stand up to the money source. Yeah, they may blow smoke up your rear until they get elected; but the only "change" they will have to offer is what is approved by this source.