@Lauren C.
Good Morning @Lauren C,
Congrats on your inheritance!
First, Steven Berges mentioned in his book “The complete guide of Buying and selling apartment building” that “Establishing an acceptable level of comfort with risk is a process that can be developed one step at a time through your life experience. (Pg 17 pp2)”.
With this being said, it is always a good ideal to start small into a small commercial building with few units so that you can build your experience and risk comfort level.
There is a town not too far of NYC that I find a great town to invest. It has 3 universities, 2 main hospitals and a mix of industry. I lived in Brooklyn, NYC and now I lived in Stamford. I am currently under contract for a six units apartment.
I’m looking now into a 12 units complex with a cap rate of 7.78% and low maintenance. I am open for a partnership or a private investor. I can pay a good interest rate for a loan.
If you want,You can send me a private message. I wish you all the best in your real estate investing journey.