Hey Bobby! I'm a grad student at OU so it's pretty cool to see you repping OU in your profile picture!
For resources, I'd really recommend starting with the BP Money podcast to learn how to get your funds right. There's tons of strategies and educational interviews in there (they had Craig Curelop on) that can help you streamline your finances in preparation for investing.
The Real Estate podcast is also great but rather than listening to every episode (like I do with the Money podcast) I find it more helpful to pick through the titles beginning with the most recent shows. The RE podcast started around 2013 so the market was way different back then and they used to focus more intensely on flipping and wholesaling, the later ones are more suited to where we are starting.
I'd also recommend Set for Life by Scott Trench, he's a host on the Money podcast and sets up a really approachable way to get into REI via househacking, though I don't know if it's similar to Craig's book.
Hope this helps, and feel free to PM me if you have any questions I can help you with!