First. Dave Foster is the 1031 GUY. There is no one better. He did 2 for me last year and I am glad I used him.
Second. I'm from Oklahoma and now live in Springfield Mo. I sold all my properties in Tulsa and moved my business to Missouri. Why? Because the properties in Tulsa, OKC and associated areas are now way over valued. This is due to a large number of OSS investors driving up the prices of properties. What they have yet to understand is that the income and rents in Oklahoma have not changed.
The last property I sold in October of last year (in Tulsa) was for 123,500.00. I paid 78K for that property in 2015. The property rented for 900.00. I made money at 900.00 It will be difficult to make money on it if you pay 123,000 or higher.
Please understand this.
1. Income in Oklahoma is stagnant. Wages are low and will not increase much over the next few years.
2. There is no housing shortage in Oklahoma. There are plenty of houses for sale and rent.
3. The only people selling houses are landlords. They are getting top dollar and eager to sell.
4. Why? They are betting they will buy the houses back at lower prices because OSS people will not be able find renters willing to pay higher rents.
How do I know this? I owned properties in Tulsa and sold my rentals in 2019 for 30-40 % more than I bought them for 4-6 years earlier.
Do not buy the HYPE! Do your research and talk to local agents. Don't buy when everyone is buying . Buy when and where everyone is selling.