Really great suggestions here. May just have have to knock on that door and fumble through the interaction. Great strategy mentioned by @Jon Johnson on helping the owner find a rental. Did you get in touch with the bank for the paydown after approaching the seller?
@Wayne Brooks, if that’s the case then the title information available via the auction indicates plenty of equity. The plan would be to buy, do a little rehab, and flip the property since a recent sale just went for $415k (100% asking) up the block. The comp has a finished basement, so thats what would have to be added to this property.
I’ll be sure to check in on local laws...don’t want to end up with fines on my first potential deal @Jay (won’t tag for some reason).
Also, how should we handle financing on this? My fiancé argues that the financing should be in place before we even talk to the owner or bank (without knowing paydown, what’s due, what the owner would take), while I’m arguing that we should see if a deal can even be made first, since “money will find the deal”.