Joe, whereas Trump has signed the stimulus bill for small business loans you need to apply today as Calvin said a EIDL loan and grant from the SBA. Do not file for bankruptcy, your credit with suck for ten years. Instead write your creditor explaining how the current crisis has effected your cash flow and when you will resume payments but at this time you need to workout new terms. Afterwards move on. Use the tax system write off all your bad debts. Hire a property management company to take care of your duplex, do not give it away. Put it on the market. You can write the property co off, plus expenses. File a claim against the renter who didnt pay you, be willing to settle for 50 %. Move to the fastest growing part of the country. I suggest Spanish Fort / Mobile Ala. The place booming. I live in Spanish Fort Ala. Contact me for more info concerning the market here and what is happening. You can make this happen don't give up. You and your girl friend will love this area.