Hello Alex. The Utah County Recorder's web site is free and the Salt Lake County Recorder's web site costs $50.00 + per month. What you are looking for first is if the property is owned by a bank or individual. If owned by a bank you will need to pursue with the bank. I have never tried this, but I understand it is a bit difficult. If the property is owned by an individual, you obviously need to find the individual. If the tax notice address is different than property address, then you have a starting point to contact the owner. This is the easiest way to find the owner of a vacant property. This also means the most competition. If the tax notice address and the property address are the same, you need to pursue other mothods to find the owner. There are many threads on BP concerning finding owners of vacant house which you can search for. Finding owners of vacant houses takes work and persistance like any method to find deals but will produce results.