An important consideration is what you think the currency exchange rate will do. Let me provide an example of why it is important:
I bought a condo in Puerto Penasco a few years ago when the Mexican Peso (MXP) was about 13:1 to the US dollar. Now the MXP is about 20:1 to the US dollar. So what, you might ask. Deals are struck in US dollars. Ok, but here's the problem:
Property sale prices in Mexico are actually recorded on the deed in Mexican Pesos, even if the property was advertised in USD and the deal was struck in USD. Rightfully so.
But now assume that I sell the condo for exactly the same price in US dollars. When the sale price is now recorded at 20:1 I am looking at a 50% Capital Gain (20/13) according to the Mexican tax authority. So, I would owe something like 15% of the sale price in Capital Gains tax, assuming a 30% tax rate.
So, it you think the USD will appreciate further against the MXP, then you unless you think the Mexico property will appreciate much faster than the US property then you may want to go with the US property. Of course if you think the USD is now out of line with other currencies and will weaken then this is not a concern. Who knows? Currency traders make the wrong call half the time so I certainly would not be qualified to guess.
In my case if I were to sell there has been a real price appreciation in addition to the paper (currency-based) capital gain so I would probably break even, so not a disaster. But certainly the currency issue is material.