@Derek Joyner Aw man I'm very sorry to hear that. : ( There is a light at the end of the tunnel for sure. Keep moving forward. I joined a small group at my church that had like 12 other guys that were going through, had been through, or on the other side of divorce. It was great to see that I wasn't the only one and it helped me heal much faster than if I was managing it on my own. The BIG thing that I had to do was to pour love into my kids and stop engaging in nonsense with my ex. It's so easy to be angry and engage in the nonsense. But being bitter only hurts you and impacts your growth. Try to let all it all go and forgive her as quickly as you can. Once I stopped engaging and began ignoring her (I don't mean regarding kids and responsibilities, just the texts and conversations that divorced couples have that make you want to "be right" or get a leg up or "win" the battle of the day) the part of forgiving and healing was easy and the nonsense stopped altogether. We now have a great co-parenting relationship. Heck, I even coached soccer with my ex's new husband because my son and his were on the same team. That's growth! Focus on what you can control and take it one day at a time. Please reach out anytime!