I think the biggest thing is to understand the fact that your going to have objections. It's just part of the game. Every agent we reach out to doesn't want to work with us. I'd say 1/4 Realtors end up working with us.
Two things we have done have taken our business to the next level.
1. We had a broker friend that used to be a very large realtor before she started her own firm come on board. She then began calling every agent that she knew and talking to them about our business and what we do. Next thing you know another agent is talking to other agents in their office about what we do ETC and it's just growing..
Try finding a investor friendly realtor who understands what your doing and see the benefit. Don't be discouraged when you get shot down.
We put together a FAQ that we send out to Realtors who have a lot of questions. Pretty much answers every question or objection they may have.
I'll have to drop some more info later, but I've found personally the line that works ALMOST all the time when Realtors are hesitiant is.
" Bottom line is that we are CASH buyers who have a vested interest in the property and the transaction to be handled right. Only difference is we prefer to handle our transactions in house. We are confident in our own negotiations with the bank instead of a 3rd party. Again, we have a vested interest in making sure the lender comes back with a price that will ensure we are able to purchase the property."
Usually something along those lines lets us get past a few things. Also, we tell them we have references to other realtors in our area if they'd like to speak with them.
Another, when they hint around to it being fraud etc. We show them a article from the VAR legal counsel talking about exactly what it is we do and explaining that it isn't fraud. If they don't want to work with us after that then it would have been to much of a hassel to deal with them in the first place.
I can say the hardest part is getting a Realtor to allow them self to give up the control of the sale. They feel with you handling everything they aren't in control of it all.
They don't want you to have access to their sellers ETC. Upfront we say well "hey if you'd like us to send you the paperwork and you get it signed etc then that's fine with us" They ALWAYS come back later once they are tired of running paperwork and let us take it over LOL.
Biggest thing of ALL. Make sure you clearly explain to them that they will GET PAID and that they will see their commission on the CONTRACT. <--- This is usually what the hold up is because they think your trying to cut them out of the transaction.
Sorry for the ramble, but we were in your position about 8-10 months ago and i know it's frustrating. I want to see you get these deals!