Hi Karen! Thanks for posting and getting me thinking.
The unemployment for the Metro Area is 7.2%
It has gone down the past 2 months. Here is a link to the data with a bit more info broken down by job types http://www.bls.gov/eag/eag.ar_littlerock_msa.htm
The lot is zoned R-3 SFR. Not sure if the zoning codes are universal or not. I left a voicemail with the Zoning Manager about a conditional use permit for Manufactured Homes. They do grant them, but they could always change their mind.
As for comps:
The area is pretty scattered
4/2 sold for 107k in Aug
3/2 sold for 49k last Dec
vacant lot for 4k in Feb
vacant house 3k in Feb
3/1 rehab 11k in Jul
4/2 fixer up 30k in Jun
As for potential buyers:
if I put a MH on it, then I could sell,lease to own for fairly cheap or just rent
I haven't looked into any builders wanting to build on it. I could let them build and collect $ when the house is sold (although I'm not sure if they could do it cheap enough to sell it quickly, but not ruling it out without looking into it)
I could try to sell the lot itself to one of the neighboring owners.
I think those are the only options I see. How realistic are they? I understand there is cost associated with moving and setting up a MH.
I don't want to end up like the typical newbie I read about in a recent blog where they do alot of research and analyze and research and analyze and then don't do anything.
What does everyone think?