I don't know the answer to your specific questions, but if this was my applicant I would respond as follows:
This rental unit is not well suited for pets. If you would like to pursue an ESA, please provide this completed form with your rental application:
We are committed to granting reasonable accommodations when necessary to afford persons with disabilities the equal opportunity to use and enjoy our rental properties.
Under the Fair Housing Act, a person with a disability is defined as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Reasonable accommodation may include waiving or varying pet polices and fees to allow an Assistance Animal. An Assistance Animal is an animal that does work or performs tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, or provides emotional support or other assistance that alleviates one or more symptom or effects of a person’s disability.
Please complete this form completely and return it to us. All information will be kept confidential, except as otherwise required by law.
Today’s Date: _______________________
Name of person with disability requesting accommodation: _____________________________
What is the species of animal? __________________________
Provide the name and physical description (size, color, weight, license) of the animal:
Does the animal perform work or do tasks because of the disability? _____________
If Yes, please provide a statement from a health or social service professional indicating that you have a disability and explaining how the animal is able to do work or perform tasks that alleviate one or more symptoms or effects of your disability.
If No, please provide a statement from a health or social service professional indicating that you have a disability and how the animal alleviates the symptoms or effects.
Please attach statement with any additional information and contract information for the professional completing the statement.
_______________________________________ _______________________
Signature of Person Making Request Date
_______________________________________ _______________________
Signature of Person with Disability Date