You're right, without much details it's hard to give you useful recommendations, but to give some ideas, depending how much cash you have on hand and how much you're willing to come out of pocket upfront, you can offer to pay the mortgage off if the balance is small and have the owner carry the balance as note, or give him some money upfront for his needs and ask him to leave his mortgage in place so you can do a wraparound mortgage where you mirror his mortgage payments plus the payments for his remaining equity based on agreed terms, or you can just take the deed subject to existing mortgage and give the seller a separate note on his equity as a second, you can do CFD where the deed stays with the seller and you make payments wrapping his mortgage and equity, there are many different ways to go about it. First step is to get as much info as possible, like what kind of mortgage is it (for example USDA loans have residency requirements that make subject-to impossible), how much is the mortgage balance, how much is the PITI, how much upfront cash does his want, how much work does it need, etc.