I'm not sure...but welcome to real estate! I spoke with a police officer the other week whom I suggested could get involved with real estate via bird dogging, as he is always "on the beat"/streets.
Based on what I've heard and read, your answers may be based on your area. Some areas may already be saturated with wholesalers and bandit signs...and if they have taken the passive approach via mailers and signs, then you could certainly shake things up by knocking on doors.
Maybe a quick self assessment may be useful
1) Do you know other investors/wholesalers that you trust to help you
2) Do you know what to look for in bird dogging
3) Do you have capital to assist with whole sale deals
4) Do you have access to funds which may be needed for deals
5) Are you okay with taking financial risks? How much
6) What is your why... for the $5000? Everybody wants money...the why is going to get you there?
I believe anybody as motivated as you sound, can do either. I encourage you to sit down the forums for starters...for a week, and read and learn. Buy a book or two, read and learn. Grab an investor who has shaken the fear off....AND GET TO IT!!