So, I've done some more digging on this and it seems the law isn't very clear. I thought I'd share what I found in case other people stumble upon this in the future. First off, home equity loans and HELOC's on investment properties in Texas are forbidden. You can do a cash out refinance but not an equity loan or line of credit. There are several threads on BP with people in Texas looking for them and receiving some misinformation so I thought I'd put that out there.
Second, owner occupied multi-families seem to fall into a sort of legal limbo. They are homesteaded but they also have income producing units, which might not be allowed because the rent could be perceived as "additional collateral" that you are putting up for the loan. "Additional collateral" is forbidden.
The Independent Bankers Association of Texas says maybe it's allowed and to only do it if you can get a Title company to take responsibility.
But I also found a training ppt from "American Title" in Houston and they say that not only will they not insure a home equity loan on an owner occupied duplex but that you also can't even get a conventional refinance as long as you live in it. This leaves an owner occupant of a multi with no choice to access equity except to move or sell.
It is frustrating to have these sort of restrictions put in place. Especially since my situation seems to fall between the cracks. Also, a little ironic that this comes out of Texas.