Quote from @Jerryll Noorden:
Quote from @Joe Gonzalez:
- You're in the rejection business, get used to the word no. Most sellers don't have to sell below market value so many will pass on your offer and that's okay. You are looking for a seller that values their time and convenience and is willing to trade some equity in return.
- Stay consistent - if you can master the art of consistently showing up then you will win the game of wholesaling.
Feel free to reach out if you need anything!
consider this...
100% of the sellers reaching out to me are reaching out because they want cash for their house.
I repeat. EVERY SINGLE PERSON. EVERY SINGLE LEAD I get wants to sell their house to me for cash.
it is not a "rejection business" if you do marketing right. If you do cold calling. Dmm, text blasting, , anything to do with a list,, doorknocking etc etc then yes... expect a bunch of "no". So doesn't that prove my point? Doesn't that prove its bad? RIGHT??
you are proving my point. Those methods are horrible. You said it yourself. Expect a no... with THOSE methods.
why are you advocating methods that will give you mostly rejections ( your own words)?? Yet you fight me vigorously defending those methods you yourself admitting to labeling your ENTIRE lead generating strategy as a "Rejection Bysiness". Makes no sense!!
Marketing is about reaching the right audience with the right message. You are not in a rejection business IF you reach the right audience with the right message. Every 10 offers we make we get 8 accepted.
You really should stop spreading the message that those horrible ways to get leads is normal. It isn't for those doing it correctly.
Only deal with actually motivated sellers and you will be in an "acceptance business!"
OP, don't let anyone tell you that their lack of success or skill will be yours too!
think outside the box. 100% of my leads are people that already made up their mind they want to sell... and sell to me! You can do it too with true effective marketing.
You do realize wholesaling is ultimately the sales business right? (You're selling a homeowner on the fact that you are the best option to purchase their home, regardless of marketing channel)
In sales the possibility of rejection is always there.
Possible ways to get rejected in this business:
- Homeowner decides to go with another company/investor
- Homeowner wants more for their property than you offered
- Homeowner reached out but won't be ready until 6 months from now
- Homeowner decides listing will be a better option after further thought
- Homeowner was influenced by a family member not to sell
- Homeowner was only curious about an offer and then ghosts you
- The list goes on and on.
SEO is not rejection proof. Is this what you're teaching? I hope not, we both know that is fraudulent.
So yes, I 100% stand by my statement, you need to be prepared for rejection and not let it demotivate you in this business. Period.