Originally posted by @Bret Lorenson:
Emma, I think you need to look at 2 goals. Your long term goals and your short term goals. Long term it sounds like you are thinking buy and hold rental properties, which is a great idea. But what are the rental rates vs. cost of houses / duplexes in San Diego? San Diego is a pricey market so I think you will find it hard to get properties that will produce any cash flow. If you buy a SFR for 300k and rents are only $1500-$2000 you will end up in negative cash flow situation. For your short term goals I would try to leverage your current position at the Real Estate company into helping you get some deals going. Maybe you can partner with your company on a rehab, wholesale deal, rental, or whatever your company specializes in.
Thank you! @Bret Lorenson: my long term goal is to buy and hold rental properties. My short term goal is to get into the game first, buying my first investment property. I agree with your opinion about San Diego market and I am actually thinking about other less expensive markets in southern California . Good idea about partnering with someone, but, unfortunately, my company is specializing in multifamily and hotels.