Be blunt to the point, professional as you can with this guy. Explain you gave him an opportunity to work with you and he frauded you. You feel as if you been had, you hired him as a service which he did unsatisfactory, in business we make.mistakes and move forward ..
Explain to him now moving forward no longer working together and you as a tenant. . Your rent is late and it will not be tolerated!
You can say .. I'm getting the pattern of late rent on a regular basis, offer to let him break the lease to find something less expensive, and give his security deposit back as long as the place is tenant able.. end it with something like unfortunate if rent is late as a business I will be seek the legal remedies.
The point is you have to let him think you dont care, its pay rent and stay or dont pay rent and leave or get evicted .. no inbetween and you are not going to wait to see next month.. he took advantage. One thing I learned is to nip issues in the butt asap. Be clear and to the point .. explain in detail your expectations so there is no confusion, every thing is on paper, under promise over deliver . If this guy doesnt pay next.month move forward with notice to pay or quit . Send a message to your other tenants in doing so