@matt R. Can you put in cash and get bitcoin ?
@Mary L. I think bitcoin will crash before the housing market. It's not really comparable since the housing market would take months to crash and bitcoin could crash in a few hours....
And for everyone of these anti bitcoin guys saying it's tulips or emus or a ponzi scheme and "if you buy bitcoin you will lose your money" I say maybe if you sell when it's lower but these same people were saying the same thing when it hit 300$ and 600$ and 1200$ and then when it dropped to 170$ in 2014 plenty of peope saying I told you so I told so but if you bought in and held on still seems like it would have worked out ... now that said full disclosure I own no bitcoin and do believe it will crash just don't think it will disappear or ever be worth less than 2000$ a coin and if you'e reading this in the future pm or tag me to show how wrong I was lol.. But betting on the us dollar which everyone knows loses its value every year or putting my money in stocks that are propped up by the "quanitive easing" i dont think so you cant print money non stop and expect it to hold it's value the value in usd is just a beliefe and beliefs change.