You have said a lot and have a lot going on. The first this is you are young so just try to relax a little. You got a lot a life ahead. Make sure above all you are doing right by your family. The second thing is you mentioned "no longer stand my job". That means you have options. My advise is stick with your job for now and find ways to make it more personally rewarding. Your not going to replace your income with investing anytime soon. The thing about money is, its not how much you make its how much you spend. Your student loans, don't worry about those. There probably the cheapest debt you have. Get as many forbearance as you can if possible. I would suggest not using a cash rewards credit card, that is what your enemies want you to do. Think about liquidating some of your stock portfolio if needed to keep in cash for emergencies. Fix the car, plumbing etc.
In summary: Keep working hard at you day job for now. Spend less, save cash.
You can get through this time. You have a good skill and obviously a desire to learn. You have already accomplished a lot!