Thank you everyone.
I have been considering hiring a property manager, but I did want to experience doing it myself for experience and to help to know what to look for in one. I've been calling around to different property management companies. So far, they've told me they would have to have the manager call me and explain the details to me - which I thought was odd. Shouldn't the receptionist know the basics - like the costs and what they provide?
@Linda S. Thank you for your input, I appreciate it! Yes, I have tried to get them to pay online and have even offered to come over and help them get everything setup, but they weren't for it. I even tried to explain all of the benefits and the time it would save them from having to drive to the bank to deposit it - as they have been. They didn't want to go with it.
@Michael Boyer As Thomas pointed out, it's a SFH and I can't just stroll up to talk. Hiring out has been on my radar. Thank you again for your input, as always!
@Thomas S. Great idea! Does it depend on the state you're in or the lease, if an email would be considered as official? I'm not saying sending a certified letter is a bad idea (I'm going to that in this case), I'm just curious why one wouldn't be able to print out the email and file it, or just save it on the computer or Google Drive in my case?
@Lynn McGeein I'm going to have to go that route, and it'll probably be best. Thank you for taking the time to post!
@Jim Adrian It's a $50 late fee.
@Joe Splitrock I'm definitely ready to follow thru. They do take great care of the property, but they are late more so than not, and they always do pay, but I need to be consistent across the board - as you stated. Honestly, them being late is more money in my pocket, but I need to start enforcing it and collecting that money. Thank you for making that point!