@Branden Esch not a bad area, close to the villages and 484/75 so I'm sure you won't have a problem renting. Even $2200 seems realistic for a 4beroom because there are not many 4bd on the market.
My issue is their math "tricks" to sell you on the deal. If you personally don't care about cash flow and only appreciation then you might be OK. BUT that cash flow number is misleading. You WONT be pocketing 415/month.
Any investor will tell you that they are leaving important items out like expenses/repairs, CapEx and occupancy numbers. With some rough math (using the 50% method) you could assume that ALL expenses besides debt service would be half the gross rental amount so in your case about $13,200. That is what will be left over to service your debt per year (not enough).
If you don't care one way or another, and just want to cash in on the home appreciating in 40 years, then that's perfectly fine. Just as long as you are aware that realtors/salesmen will always use this incorrect way of figuring cash flow to sell you the deal.