@Susan Maneck Yes, it's for New Jersey but every state has similar regulation you need to check with yours.
Also, it was provided as an example of possible rejection of eviction claim.
That being said, for your situation, is your mother LLC registered in the State of the property? If yes, what I was referring too "might" not apply.
If not, then you should check if you properly set your LLC to be able to do business in the property's state. Important.
But remember, if the tenant is not showing up in court or doesn't bring an argument for rejecting the eviction in court, then its very likely that the judge will rule for the eviction anyways. (even if there could be a possible claim for rejection)
Sometimes the mood of the judge will decide...(I'm suggesting to not rely on that)
Also, in some state (or court!) you'll need a lawyer to represent the LLC. Again, it depends on the court rules.
Another thing, in some places you have to file your claim in "small claims", others you have to go in civil court. (the rules differs a lot)
All in all, to decide where to register your LLC, consider those points. (but check with a lawyer as I'm only giving basic info)
If you go for foreign LLC
- You have to register the LLC in the home state as a "foreign LLC" to be allowed to do business there;
- You will have to pay 2 filing fee;
- You will "most likely" pay for a registered agent;
- You will need to file 2 annual reports fee;
(if you use Land trust or other more complex structure, then it might be different)
Hope that helps!