After a decade of hard labor trying to make a dime flipping fixer properties in the WRONG market at the WRONG time I can tell you one crucial thing;
It is much easier (& much more profitable) to "ride the wave" and invest in expanding, appreciating markets. Buy a copy of "Timing The Real Estate Market" by Craig Hall and try to buy properties in regions poised to turn around and expand. Right now I understand the Triangle area of North Carolina and most of Texas are looking favorable. Maybe Albuquerque. People are moving out of the midwest & into the south and southwest.
Find out what areas are projected to lead job and population growth.
Why bother buying property in an area that is depreciating? By the same token don't be late to the party and jump into a "hot" area that is due to top out and start declining soon. Real estate value runs in cycles. Educate yourself, talk to the pros and jump in. You can leverage yourself up rather quickly.
I was able to retire at 45 following this approach in less than ten years. Nowadays I'm trying to work smarter rather than harder.
When it comes to real estate "Live where you want; invest where it makes sense."