I have been using Craigslist with success for a number of years marketing and managing a modest portfolio of residential real estate in core Denver. However, inquiries have tailed off in the past 12 months, and scams have increased.
Looking for recommendations on a good website that I can pay to post a listing on. Right now I just need one place filled.
I checked rent.com, and they wanted to upsell a lot of features that didn't appeal to me. It also seemed a bit pricey - $180 for 90 days (I don't need to list something in this area for 90 days).
I am also confused about whether there is one site that potential tenants use as a resource - I do not perceive a dominant player in the market. One of the things that Rent.com offers is cross listing on three other websites with their standard fee, and a $35 upcharge for them to list on ~20 other sites. I question the efficacy of these ~20 other sites.
Any recommendations would be appreciated.