If your looking to pick up whole sale properties there are a few very effective and inexpensive ways to do that. The two that I have found most effective is FB and Craigslist. Start a business page on FB for free. Offer a finders fee of between $300-500 (AT CLOSING) to anyone who brings you a home that is not on the MLS (abandon, run down homes that can easily make a profit). Also, you can advertise a similar add on Craigslist as the "We buy ugly houses" people. Just don't call it that, I don't want you to end up in court. LOL Finally let your friends and family know that you are offering this "finders fee", that way they can be on the look out for something while they are riding around to and from work, the grocery store, church, etc. This cuts the cost of having to send out scouts. They bring you an address, you look up the owners through city tax records, and call them to see if they are interested in making a deal. Cheap, effective, and you don't have to shell out any cash until you make some money at closing. Hope this helps!