@James Wise
This is great!!
I'm an old man of 62 but it took a lot of tumbles to get where I am. The nice part of being the old man in the room is I can just plug along on my path and don't even desire to play the game hard like you young bucks and does do.
I can invest in single family for all cash in B - C areas for cash flow and you youngsters can tell me how much more I could make with leverage in multi family and I can just turn down my hearing aids and chuckle. I've been down the leverage road since an amortization table was in a book, yeah like a paper book.
I can put receivables in a shoe box until there is enough in there to buy another shack because I don't even want a newer car or boat. As long as I can remember where I stashed the box every 6 months or so there just seems to be enough in there to buy another pig.
I still live in my own home but when I remodeled it years ago I did put the master on the ground floor and put 36" doors in so I wouldn't skin my hands wheeling the chair around. You youngsters all want to live in a loft these days, I still remember when it was cool to have forced air with the ducts under the sheet rock.
I'm just going to waddle down the hall now and enjoy the fact that I raised 4 kids to be more successful than myself, have some great grand kids with more on the way, my lovely wife has stayed with me on this crazy train and maybe they too will want a shoe box full of deeds someday.
You youngsters rock on and get the world tackled, as long as I can still see the screen on my laptop i'll enjoy reading of your victories and not on BP and James I just enjoyed another tenants from hell a couple hours ago.
@James Wise