Hey Guys
A month or two ago I posted in the forum about obtaining probate and death of a decedent with real property leads. I've been looking through my county's records for probate leads but I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for. I'm in Hillsborough County, FL.
I found the record search tool for probate records listed above but when you click on a record it doesn't really give you much info. I don't know much so the info provided could be everything I need lol. I did some research and found some info that I should look for within the record but I'm not positive if that's what I need.
1.Case Type (e.g. Probate with Letters, Letter of Administration, Trust, etc)
2. Decedent Name (Full)
3. Decedent Address (Full)
4. Decedent Date of Death
5. Main Party (Executor/Executrix/Administrator/Claimant/Petitioner/Heir/etc.) Name
6. Main Party (Executor/Executrix/Administrator/Claimant/Petitioner/Heir/etc.) Address
7. Other Party (e.g. Attorney) Name
8. Other Party (e.g. Attorney) Address
9. Other Party (e.g. Attorney) Telephone Number
I haven't quite figured out the death of decedent lead either.
Could you guys shed some light on this so that I could move forward with the process?
Thanks In Advance,