1. Yes, standard. The rent price is what really drives this. Placing the right tenant is a big deal, and can be a lot of work. I can't comment on the percentage, but I don't exceed one months rent for this cost. I just don't take on properties below a threshold.
2. Yes, standard. There is work involved in getting the existing tenants under a new lease. We charge a small percentage of that months rent. It's really not a profit center, or paid to anyone as a commission, because it's all admin work. DocuSign, filing, updating software to new rents etc. PITA some months.
3. Yes, we offer it. The company we use charges us, we pass it on. There's a report, pictures, data, etc. Also, not a profit center.
4. No! Provisionally. There are company's out there marking up their stuff 40 some odd percent, they drive me nuts. We don't charge any fees currently, but I could see as staffing increases. Vendors take manpower to manage, keep honest, vette new, follow up, invoice, record, document, etc. All this software out there to make it easier to manage, and it still comes down a bunch of admin work. It's all in how it's presented to investors.
5. No way! The fees should scale down as the price increases, not up. If an owner needs me to project manage a renovation or flip, that's something worthy of a bigger fee. A $2K turn/make ready, those require very little, one trip to scope, and one to check off when completed.
Great questions!