Originally posted by @Brent Coombs:
Originally posted by @Rene Garcia:
@Brent Coombs. Brent, thanks for your response. Not worried about the loss at this point. The negative cash flow would not be from rent but from"other" expenses. I could sustain that for a year or two where by then we'd be at zero cash flow and the tax benefits would far outweigh the rest. I'm just having a hard time believing the tax benefits we would be that good. No question we would get more, but that much?
I'm intrigued. On the face of it, my understanding is: If your (extra) income from the investment is not less than its associated expenses, then your taxable income would be (at least) the same as before!
Where did my understanding go astray? Cheers...
Hi @Brent Coombs I think the tax benefit in this scenario is by getting tax deduction on the interest paid .
@Rene Garcia - Few things that come to mind :
1. When you rent out , the rental income is "new income" which would be taxed ( in CA , I think it might be negative , but check what exactly is taxed)
2. Can you claim deduction on the interest paid on other units as well , I know this might be complex , but if you understand these deductions are available only for owner occupants , In this scenario , you are technically occupying only one unit .
3. Also i think , it is a better idea to ask you current CPA to explain clearly with an example
4. Another important thing is - dont go with FHA for your first loan , try to use a conventional 5% down loan if this is your first property . You can still use FHA on your next property .
5. Also see if you can purchase a smaller property only on your name and see if you have any advantage - because you can only have one FHA property , so you can put it on your wifes name and get another property . Explore this
6. Now a boring advice : You will get some good advice and some absolutely "no clue" advice and some "wrong" advice here . So its good to take all this info , but cross check everything independently . there is a bigger pockets episode on tax advanatges , listen to that two three times and contact them . They might not be cheap but , you will soon learn the importance of right advice
Finally , in this new task , your biggest challenge will be finding good resources . You will bump in to tens of incompetent real estate agents , before you find the right one . Whether they are through referral , or a website - keep an open mind and assess , if they are adding value . There is every possibility of a scenario where you wont meet that knowledgeable real estate agent , depending on your search strategy . Use data to backup claims . Ideally fnd some one who has the local practical intelligence.
Good luck