A 4 year lease is mind-blowing. Never heard of anything like that before.
I originally did a 4 year lease for a friend who was moving to New York in 4 years and she knew positively that she would be in that house for 4 years no matter what. She begged me to sign a 4 year lease so she could know for certain what her rent would be. I was just starting out and while it seemed unorthodox I did it for a friend.
It worked out pretty well. She didn't end up staying the full 4 years and insisted that I keep her deposit as it was only fair, but it sorta gave me an idea. So far, no 4 year lease has ever come to fruition and I've been able to keep every deposit from the default without having to feel bad or figure out if there was damage - it's just a given. You're keeping that deposit. Then, I get them to clean the house to rent ready status because they want me to re-rent it as soon as possible to end their liability. I even got one guy to paint the whole house for me. I bought the paint and told him, it would help with getting it quickly re-rented. So he moved out the last day of the month and I had a rent-ready, freshly painted house, kept his deposit and rented it the very next day and that tenant is still there with a month to month because he's building a house now. We were all happy! What is the down side?
I hate this inflation because it has pushed me to do only yearly leases, even with my tenants that have been with me 10+ years - and WANT a longer lease. I refused since I'm likely going to be forced to up the rent again this following year.
I've seen the damage a move out and move in can do to a house, so to mitigate that wear and tear and eliminate a month of no rent between renters, I offer the discount of $100 a month for multiple year leases - as it would be the same if I lost a month of rent without the wear and tear of a move out/in. It has worked VERY well for me and hopefully I can go back to it in the near future. Every time I have someone move out, I have to go in and paint the door facings where they bumped or chipped the paint. That just irks me beyond belief!
I hate being a landlord and I resent the time these houses take from me (this business was never planned or anticipated) - so anything I can do to eliminate my involvement I'm up for! I vet extremely well and (except for this 1) have always had excellent pay tenants...always before or on the 1st without fail and usually they take care of all the small stuff and only call for the emergencies and big issues.
I've taken a beating for these long leases on this forum and have been told I'm in over my head, but my bank account doesn't agree! Call me greedy, but I love keeping those deposits and writing that 30 day letter is so easy without having to outline the reasons I'm keeping it.:)