Unfortunately, I don't believe such a calculator exists. There are too many variables to account for with everyone's unique taxes.
A very simplistic calculation could be, the amount of conversion * 22% would give you your rough taxes. I say this because, (I've been doing partial Roth conversions for years with clients), all of my Roth conversions have been to fill up the 22% tax bracket. I have only had one case where we filled up the 24% bracket and that was a very unique situation.
I'm not sure what you mean by "one more multiple conversion options". I either convert when the market is down, or at the end of the year for the most part...
The investment % of growth of IRA vs Roth is a bit broad. If you use the same investment pre and post-roth conversion, the growth would be the same. However, if you're managing your investments with a bit more tact, you will put your bonds in the IRA and your higher growth investments in the Roth which would give you differing growth rates. But these are "EXPECTED" returns, so they are just estimates.
RMD amounts can be calculated post-conversion, but they are estimates too.
All of this is nuanced & complicated which is why I don't believe any single calculator exists. I also don't believe many or any CFP's are charging $5,000 for Roth conversion calculations.