Previously had a property manager running one of our properties in Puyallup, WA. Under the previous property manager the old tenant broke the lease without providing proper notice to vacate, damaged the property, and did not pay the final months rent. Total damages and back rent is $2800, after security deposit was withheld. The property manage charged the old tenants for the sum of $2800. The old tenants got a personal injury lawyer who mailed us saying they refuse to pay and in turn will sue us if we do not pay $800 to them.(we have terminated relations with the property manager)
We are in the military and deployed over seas. We are not afraid to go to small claims court; we have all the documents and photos to back up claims for monies owed to us. We sought legal advice and responded in turn to their attorney. We have not heard back in over 20 days from their attorney.
Does anyone have anyone recommendations regarding what we can do? Do we have to go to small claims court in WA state, we are stationed on the East Coast, or do we have other options to collect the monies we are owned?
We would truly appreciate any help you anyone could provide.