I posted an ad on Craigslist looking for someone to do some landscape work on one of my rental properties. I received close to 30 responses, but I'm getting cold feet on if I should use someone from Craigslist or not. I've read some of the horror stories on BP about the people who have tried to hire GC's from Craigslist and it ended up not working out. Now, I figure there's a big difference between landscape work and house rehab work, so maybe I could have better luck with this.
Has anyone used someone from Craigslist to do landscape work on one of their properties and it worked out well?
Also, any suggestions on how I can find a good worker from the responses? Some replies included a resume, which I thought was a nice touch. Most included their phone numbers, but some asked me to email them back with the address and the time that I wanted them there. I found the lack of providing a phone number to be odd, so I crossed them off the list.
Thanks in advance all the help!